Saturday, October 19, 2019

Genre Analysis

Earlier this week, Segi University held a conference called the International Conference on Industry 4.0, officiated by our prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It started on 14 October and ended on 16 October with several sessions that introduced the fourth industrial revolution to academics and industrial communities of Malaysia. Among the sessions, I attended one of them held by an international professor that talked about the Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence.

            Under genre, there are three main concepts and I’d like to first discuss the “What” of the concept which is the communicative event. It is easy to deduce that the “material” presented in the event is the talk itself and the slideshow presented that day. The slideshow is well prepared with extensive notes about the industry and how it’s done with videos included and ended with a quote from a familiar comedian that nearly made laugh in a professional environment. 

            For the second theory, communicative purpose, the “Why” concept of genre, is to introduce and inform us about the next industrial revolution as well as the AI used in it. He started his presentation by stating what is the fourth industrial revolution where it is said to greatly improve businesses with the assistance of technology and Artificial Intelligence. Later in the session as well, he brought up the about AI as there are several disbeliefs. 

            Lastly, the “Who” of the concept in genre which is discourse communities are the stockholders, engineers, academics and even the students that attended the university. The program was open to everyone interested to learn to attend but it is more targeted towards the people under the business and technology society.

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